Friday, December 4, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Found SOmeThing..Filming at Farlim (高校铁金刚)





Guang Zhou Trip Picture

Paco Business Suit Hotel

Special conveniency lubricant, condom, vibrateeeeerrrrrrr...

Classic Bathroom


H1N1 Check

Mr. Choc (Swiss)

3 days Trip to Guang Zhou...17/6/09-19/6/09

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Praying and Respect

Up you go...Heaven Path

New Place to live in...Palace

The road to walk thru...with Family members Support...

Time to Bless and Stay Peace....

You always stay in our Heart and Mind..
We love you and Bless the best for you...
Peacefull Forever.....

Time to Let it Go...Good-Bye>>>Peace

I'll always REMEMBER 1st of May

The day when he fight for his last breath...
With all the tears drop from the blue sky
He close his eyes up

This is when i need to say Good-Bye


Sitting here thinking about you,
I here you call my name,
Wilfred, wilfred, wilfred

As I turn to see who's calling me
I see no one, only hear your voice.
I glance across the room,
To see if anyone else hears it too.

But no one seems to notice the look on my face.

I miss you so much,I keep telling you,
But you don't seem to hear me.

Still you're calling out my name,
only louder,
As the tears rolled down my face,
I glance around the room,
see you amongst my family, and friends

The look upon your face says
you're peaceful now.

I realized it was time to let you go.
Although I will always love and miss you.

I turn my head to see if anyone notices you.
Then I turn back, and you're gone.

I hear you, so very gently say,
"I love you", "Good- Bye!"
"Bye", I said . . .